šš¼ Hi, I'm Mike
Here's what I'm working on...

Father 5 & Husband of 1
Iām a proud father of 5 and husband to an amazing queen. My word of advice for anyone considering starting a family, find a great co-founder. That has been 1000% the reason for my success and happiness. :)
building software teams
I run EC Group, where we help companies grow their business by building long-term extensions of their software team. We use the business to help outreach to the underprivileged in India. I am very much in the process of learning everyday.
Blogging & Podcasting on Fatherhood
I'm trying to raise my children in a way that leaves a positive legacy. I love encouraging and equipping fathers to do the same. Check out the manifesto here.
Misc. Projects
I love to get disctracted by shiny side projects, here are a few that I am tinkering with right now...
(none right now, check back later)